Family Values in Light of COVID-19

Family Values in Light of COVID-19

Josh and I intended to break down our family values, one by one, and talk through what they are and how they impact our family.

In the light of current events, we’re going to take a slight detour. We’ll go into each of these further at some point, but right now, I want to focus on how our values can be foundational during difficult times. Our family can know what to expect of each other, and we can choose our priorities. So without further ado, here are our values and how we’re processing them within our home as we navigate the new waters of isolation and illness:

Dependence - God is the source of everything

We believe this is true every day, but we feel this is true in a whole new way in the midst of crisis. We will teach our children about shortages, rations, supply and demand… But we will point them back to our ultimate provider. Our source of hope is not Wegmans, it’s God.

Justice - True worship breaks the chains of injustice

We are overwhelmed by our privilege in this moment. A car to drive in isolation from point A to point B, unexposed to any other individual. The money to grab a few weeks’ supplies without having to wait for a paycheck or sacrifice elsewhere. A fenced-in backyard that lets our children feel freedom in safety. A home big enough to have room to share. We refuse to see our privilege without doing all we can to leverage it for those who don’t have the same privilege.

Teachability - The wise listen first and ask for help

We don’t believe we have all the answers. We look to how other people are leading their families and churches. We listen to teachers who still feel a responsibility to guide our children (because they are so committed and amazing!). We follow recommendations for the health and safety of ourselves and others. We remind ourselves that we do NOT have all the answers! We cannot do this alone.

Perseverance - Hard work is the true measure of success

We keep getting up. Every day. We are working hard to make this life not just tolerable, but beautiful, within our walls. Stretching to those outside is difficult, but we will keep working as close to tirelessly as we can to figure out how we can leverage our resources and time while still wisely protecting the health and safety of ourselves and others.

Mission - We were made to serve

This doesn’t change. The world is hurting, and we are the hands and feet of Jesus. Isolation doesn’t stop our responsibility. We will involve our kids and ourselves in service in whatever ways we can that still respect the recommendations of authorities over us and keep safety in reasonable focus.

Worth - Every person is made in the image of GOD

Every. Person. We will talk to our children about the people who don’t have a safe bubble to hide in. We will model worth by limiting the spread of Coronavirus and valuing each person we come in contact with enough to do our part to keep them healthy. We will connect resources to people who need them. And we will pray, pray, pray, pray, pray!!!

Intentionality - We sacrifice our comfort to walk towards the mess

We are working so hard to figure out the balance of safety (that protects others and not just us) and sacrifice at this time. For us, it’s never the time to focus completely inward. There’s still work to be done!

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