Don't Waste the Rest of 2022

Don't Waste the Rest of 2022

We are about a third of the way through 2022.

How are you doing with those New Year's Resolutions?

Even if you aren't on track, there's still time to commit to good changes!

Here are my suggestions for a few "alternative" resolutions that I think will lead to a more redemptive year and a powerful change in your corner of the world!

Tip Well

Just do it. Every time.

If you punish that server having a tough day because your service didn't meet your expectations, do you think the service will get better? Likely not.

We don't always have to prove a point. Sometimes we can choose generosity, even if the situation in front of it isn't "deserving" of it.

If you have the means to pay someone else for a service you don't want to do yourself, pay them better than our society/culture/government has decided their work is worth. Your life is better because many people are working hard to fill these roles. Help fill the gap between how hard they're working and how much they're recognized/compensated for their work.

Avoid the good deal

We all want to make the most of what we have. We don't want to waste money and finding value in our purchases is always desirable. But frugality is not the ultimate aim at life and saving a dollar or two at the expense of the dignity and humanity of others is simply wrong.

And it's not just about the material cost of an item. Some of us aren't afraid to spend a little money if it buys us convenience or comfort.

Maybe it is time to take a look at your spending habits and see the upstream impact. Begin by choosing one area of spending (clothing purchases could be a good place to start) and follow the money.

Where are the goods you purchased sourced?

Are the workers paid well for their labor?

Are the products produced in a way that shows care for the community and our world?

Let's make the world a little more just and put others before ourselves.

Take a nap

Jesus did it. It's Biblical. Enough said.

But seriously, make some time for real rest this year.

Here is what resting is NOT...

A day off is NOT a day of rest. That's just a day to get the errands done you didn't do the rest of the week.

A day of media is NOT a day of rest. You can find rest in enjoying a good story, but a day sucked into Tik Tok or watching three seasons of a show will leave you tired in a different way.

A to-do list is NOT a day of rest. Plan your day so that you rest in the ways you need and want to, but don't let it turn into a checklist.

A typical day, just without your job, is NOT a day of rest. Make sure your rest time is different, because the whole point is to rest from "normal" or "typical" and get that break. So put away the phone for long stretches. Go for a hike, play a board game, try a new food, read a favorite book, or just stare at a wall and listen to your breathing!

I hope you found at least one of these suggestions interesting and challenging.

Cheers to the rest of your 2022!

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